Give your child the world.
Why Montessori?
We use the Montessori method developed by Dr. Maria Montessori because it is an individualized, child-centered approach to education that recognizes each child's unique potential for success in school and beyond.
In a Montessori school your child will:
Develop a positive attitude towards school
Develop self-confidence
Form habits of initiative and perseverance
Cultivate an enduring curiosity
Our Philosophy
Grounded in the Montessori Method
Dr. Maria Montessori told us “Never help a child with a task at which he feels he can succeed" and any 3-year old child we've encountered tells us, “I can do it myself!” This drive for independence is core to the instructional strategy of a Montessori classroom. Children are given daily opportunities to do for themselves as often and for as long as they like. It is in this doing that children learn and grow and become independent beings, responsible for their own learning. This is the secret to developing life-long learners who are confident in their abilities.
Young children are developing in themselves four main traits:
This development is spurred on by internal sensitive periods of growth. It is our aim to assist the child in their growth by providing ample opportunities to interact with beautiful and meaningful activities. Children learn best through direct experience and the process of investigation and discovery. Our school is designed to give your child that opportunity.
The materials are displayed on open shelves and each child may choose the activity that most appeals to her, working with the materials until she feels a sense of completion and satisfaction. Teachers, using the materials, give lessons to individuals and small groups as children are ready for them.
By allowing children to develop at their own pace, Montessori takes children from where they are to as far as they can go.
What will your child do at Sidewalk’s End Montessori?
The Montessori classroom is a busy, engaging place. Children have the freedom to move around the classroom, working with the materials they choose and in their own time frame. A child may choose to work alone or with a friend, or sometimes just observe what is going on around them. Children learn self-control and discipline in this environment as they discover that their classmates also have these choices and they must work together to keep harmony in the classroom.
Our school follows Dr. Montessori’s teaching of grouping children in multi-age classrooms according to their stages of development. By grouping children from 3 to 6 years old, the younger children are motivated and mentored by the older children. The older children develop a strong sense of empathy in addition to mastering their own material by serving as tutors to the younger children.
A sense of community and family develops in this environment.